Partner, Bankruptcy and Creditors' Rights Group
Cullen and Dykman LLP

Elizabeth frequently advises companies in financial distress as debtors in Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases and out-of-court restructurings and workouts in a wide range of industries. In addition to company-side representations, she has experience with all constituents in bankruptcy cases and workouts, frequently representing creditors, creditors’ committees, equity holders and other key business stakeholders in debtor-creditor matters. With extensive experience in the construction industry, Elizabeth frequently assists contractors to resolve claims and other contract disputes through alternative dispute resolution proceedings and/or litigation in bankruptcy court and state court. She often utilizes her combined knowledge of restructuring and construction to guide contractors through out-of-court workouts with sureties and banks.

Education: J.D. from St. John’s University School of Law, magna cum laude, and B.A. from University of Delaware, magna cum laude.

Location: Cullen and Dykman LLP, Long Island, New York.

What led you to a career in the deal-making industry?
My love of problem-solving lead me to a career focused on deal-making. Learning the inner workings of a company in financial distress and helping them to find a path towards viability and long-term success is the most rewarding part of what I do, so I have gravitated towards company-side work in my career.
Diversity add value in the deal-making process...
In my experience, a diverse deal team engenders the most creative and best results because the transaction benefits from the unique perspectives of individuals from a divergent backgrounds who have different ways of approaching a transaction and the challenges that it can present based on their individual experience.
Most memorable deal I worked on...
Every deal has its own intricacies, personalities and craziness that goes along with it – I can’t choose!
Advice for achieving success...
My best advice for achieving success in the industry is to be flexible and able to easily pivot when the end goal is oftentimes a moving target. Being wedded to a single means to achieving a result can foreclose other possibilities for greatness.
Most enjoy about my career...
I most enjoy understanding how my clients’ business works and helping them to identify the legal tools that can help them solve their business’ problems.


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September 10, 2024